Venu Naturopathy


Indika Hettiarachchi

Indika Hettiarachchi

About Indika Hettiarachchi

More From Indika Hettiarachchi

Is Sri Lanka’s state sector inefficient? Facts point to the contrary

Sri Lanka’s current HDI score stands at 0.78 and is the highest in South Asia.

IMF prescribed mantras not in Sri Lanka's interests

From Sri Lanka’s example of periodically falling into a BOP crisis, one might wonder if IMF-prescribed solutions (or terms and conditions attached to IMF funding) ever help small nations like Sri Lanka to achieve long-term BOP stability. 

Why Gotabaya is battling a crisis no Sri Lankan leader has faced

As Sri Lanka descends deeper into economic chaos, the popularity of the President and his government have declined to levels never seen before for any political regime reaching midterm, writes Indika Hettiarachchi for South Asia Monitor

End of the road for economic liberalism in Sri Lanka?

Neither SLPP nor SJB has a major reform agenda to breakout from Sri Lanka’s endemic economic problems, which are deeply rooted in the country’s inability to earn enough foreign inflow to sustain itself and to bring in sound fiscal policies, writes Indika Hettiarachchi for South Asia Monitor